Thursday 13 December 2012

Stop Stop Christmas Man

I adore gingerbread men! He began as a doodle at work:

Sir Stan 'The Man' Spice.
Watercolour and gouache on board 2012

He's been made into about a dozen cards so far, and I'm going to bake some of these grandiose gentlemen too, yum :)

Wednesday 1 August 2012


'Gomez' 2012
Ink and collage
Character work based on my tortoise Gomez on his jaunts through the garden.
Exhibited with the Fylde Coast Art Mob.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Joint Birthday

A little invitation I designed for my joint birthday shenanigans.
I coloured it in pencil crayon, big hit, great party mmm Thai food!

Saturday 30 June 2012

Handmade and Vintage Craft Fair

My business cards and handmade felt keyrings.

June 2012: Winter Gardens Blackpool.
A Stall with fellow craft enthusiasts Jennie Wren Press who specializes in experimental print and screen printed fabric and and Jessica from The Teacup and Star Company who creates unique jewelry using vintage key and gemstones.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Fylde Coast Art Mob's debut exhibition

Been a busy week, but our first self initiated exhibition was a success! It was pleasing to receive comments from the public up on viewing our work. I sold 2 screen prints and 2 illustrations on the open evening.
Below are photographs courtesy of Richard Oughton taken on the preview evening on Saturday 9th June.

Me setting up the exhibition.
Ahead: © Larissa Gill, my work.
Right wall: © House of Vegas.

©  Jennie Pickersgill 
Jennie's prints including mono prints and collagraphs.
© Necrographical, Gareth Monger
Repesentation of the mad bird lady and the real thing.
The Fylde Coast Art Mob.
Left to right: Gareth Monger (Necrographical), Dave worth (Punk Rock Cartoons), myself,
 Jennie Pickersgill and Matt Butcher (House of Vegas)
Thinking of planning our next exhibition soon, a member of Blackpool council arts funding attended our exhibition and was suitably impressed, he's now helping to look for pop up shops and locations within the town centre that can be used. There is a real art buzz happening at the moment and we're here to spur it on!

Friday 8 June 2012

Fylde Coast Art Mob: Exhibition Update

All set for the exhibition preview tomorrow evening! We've promoted the event through A2/A3 posters in local  galleries, studios, creative centres, libraries and shops. The 500 postcards were a hit and have all gone. Word of mouth is great too in Granthams, where I work. As is Facebook...

We've had photographers offering to shoot the event and a free case of wine for the open night!

Now on to writing up the labels and tags for prints (As above). And printing off small artist profile brochures.

I've chosen to exhibit 10 pieces of work, including screen prints and illustrations, all available for sale. My portfolio will be on show for people to look through and purchase smaller unmounted prints.
I'll post photographs and some of the work I'm showcasing when I'm not so rushed.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Fylde Coast Art Mob: Art Exhibition

Recently, myself and artistic friends discussed getting our artwork viewed more publicly. We have attended many other exhibitions together around the local area, and wished to hold our own. 
The Fylde Coast Art Mob was created, as a joint effort to exhibit our work. Showcasing for one week in June at Whittaker's Dance and Drama Centre, a lovely spacious venue which we got for free! We will be hoping to display around 6 plus pieces each, which include print, illustration and digital media.

Above: Our facebook cover photo for the event.

Second: Postcard of exhibition details, which are getting everywhere.

Below: The venue Whittaker's Dance and Drama Centre, Blackpool

Thursday 26 April 2012

Craft Fair Cards

This summer I'm sharing a stall at Vintage and Handmade Craft Fair on Saturday 23rd June. So far I've made a selection of cards, featuring ink pressed butterflies, that have slightly three dimensional wings.

I'm really looking forward to it! I'll update on the crafting creations as I go along.

This is the blog of events organiser Dotty Delightful, which shows other stall holders:

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Screen Printing

At the beginning of March I did some screen printing for the first time, and really enjoyed the process. I spent an experimental day in the old rock factory studio of local screen printer Robin Ross.
I managed to produce six, hand pulled, five colour, limited edition prints. Of a chicken.
I'll photograph them again hopefully once mounted.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Wedding Invitations

Currently making wedding, and reception invitations for my sister Laura. I've made over 100 so far and have more to be printed.
The little ivy leaves are velour which add a touch of luxury, or incase people want to rub them on their faces.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentines Day

Collage, pencil and ink, Valentines card I made for my boyfriend.
To which he described as 'delightfully cheesy'!

Hand Drawn German Typefaces

Went on holiday to Dusseldorf, Germany last week. Took lots of photographs, but only had time to do some quick sketchbook doodles.
I guess I just found text in a foreign language interesting.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Someones getting married!

My sister's wedding is in October and I'm on with the invites.
Here's a design I'm working on for a simple postcard.

Monday 9 January 2012


'Mouse party' 2012

Adored making this cute and intricate paper cut collage for my sisters birthday card. Which was greatly received today!

Sunday 8 January 2012

Paper Cutting

Lately I've been trying my hand at paper cutting. Takes a bit of practice, but it is very relaxing.
So here's a little design I'm happy with.

'Waves' 2012