Friday 16 April 2010

Wobble: Rough spreads

More spreads in pencil crayon, also brought in small elements of ink and bleach to see how that works.
Theses spreads are not how they will be seen in the book as I don't have an A3 scanner, my work is ridiculously cropped but you get the general idea.

What if I swallow my tooth?

I wanted a bit of realism like the intestines and the stomach of course. Kids like gross yukky stuff.


Testing out colouring pencils on rough spreads for my latest childrens book about a little boy with a wobbly tooth.
The grain of the cartridge paper was quite heavy texture. The skin tone needs adjusting on next spreads and different paper stock. Main character in the middle is really worried about losing his wobbly tooth...and his friends laughing at him.
Was recommended to buy Caran D'ache watercolour pencils as they seemed suitable and can be used in many ways. These children are floating and need legs...